All health information on HealthLens is encrypted in compliance with HIPAA and HI-TECH regulations.
HealthLens obtains the photos, medical history, and payment from the patient ahead of time so you can do the telehealth visit at your convenience.
HealthLens is the only store-and-forward telemedicine platform with an integrated Accutane workflow for managing isotretinoin patients with telehealth.
Store-and-forward or “asynchronous” telehealth is the most cost–effective way to treat your patients online.
Most health insurance plans cover store-and-forward telehealth, and in some states with parity laws, reimbursement is the same as an office visit.
Store-and-forward or “asynchronous” telehealth is the most cost–effective way to treat your patients online.
Most health insurance plans cover store-and-forward telehealth, and in some states with parity laws, reimbursement is the same as an office visit.
HealthLens obtains the photos, medical history, and payment from the patient ahead of time so you can do the telehealth visit at your convenience.
New patients use HealthLens because they do not want to wait days or weeks for the next available video visit with their dermatologist.
Store-and-forward platforms like HealthLens take the friction out of telemedicine for specialty medical practices.
HealthLens is the only store-and-forward telemedicine platform with an integrated Accutane workflow for managing isotretinoin patients with telehealth.