Provider Profile Help

  • Can I change my business or personal information?

    Yes. To update your business or personal information, simply go to “My Profile” and click or tap EDIT next to the section you wish to update. After making the changes, hit UPDATE at the bottom of the window.

  • Can I change my fee amount?

    Yes. Go to “My Profile” and click or tap EDIT next to the “Business information” section. After selecting a new fee amount, hit UPDATE at the bottom of the window.

  • How does text messaging work with HealthLens?

    HealthLens gives you option to receive account notices via text messages in addition to emails. Receive texts on any account setting update or visit status change. Like emails, the message only let’s you know that an activity has occurred in your account, it does not send informaiton related to that activity. Also most importantly, patients never see your cell phone number. The only text messages you receive are notices sent from HealthLens indicating activity occured on your account.