FAQs: Security

FAQ Categories

  1. General
  2. Profile
  3. Visits
  4. Diagnosis & Treatment
  5. Payments
  6. Security & Confidentiality
  7. Insurance
  • Is HealthLens HIPAA compliant?

    Yes. HealthLens meets all HIPAA security compliance requirements. Your medical information is ONLY accessible by you, your provider, and your provider’s designated staff.

  • What confidentiality measures have been taken to protect patient data?

    HealthLens meets all HIPAA confidentially measures, such as advanced encryption and firewalls to prevent unwanted intrusions.

  • Is my credit card information secure?

    All credit card payments are handled by Stripe, a leading payment processing system. Stripe has been audited by a PCI-certified auditor, and is certified to PCI Service Provider Level 1, the most stringent level of certification available. More on Stripe security here.